Chevron’s renewable diesel blend is a diesel fuel made with 80% renewable diesel and up to 20% biodiesel, typically with no more than 1% conventional petroleum diesel. Chevron Renewable Diesel Blend provides a lower life cycle carbon intensity than conventional petroleum diesel under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard. Chevron Renewable Diesel Blend meets or exceeds industry standards and conforms with ASTM* D7467. According to the California Air Resources Board as of end Q4 2022, renewable and biodiesel made up 47% of all diesel sales in California.
Since the product contains between 6% and 20% biodiesel, states require that the official name include Biodiesel B20. As such, labels near product prices (e.g., price signs, dispenser IDs) will identify the product as "Renewable Biodiesel B20." The product is also commonly called R80-B20.
Chevron’s Renewable Diesel Blend may be blended to contain additional petroleum diesel in certain geographies to help manage cold flow properties. As an example, in the Pacific Northwest, the blend ratio introduced in September 2023 is 55% renewable diesel, 20% biodiesel, and 25% petroleum diesel. The higher concentration of petroleum diesel can help to maintain flow if the fuel is exposed to freezing temperatures for extended periods.
*ASTM International, is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services including Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants.
The terms renewable diesel and biodiesel are often used interchangeably, although they are produced differently. Both renewable diesel and biodiesel are derived from the same feedstocks. Feedstocks are the raw materials used to create the fuel and can include soybean oil, used cooking oil, tallow and other plant- and animal-based oils. The primary difference is in the way each is processed into a fuel which affects their composition.
Renewable diesel is a renewable fuel that can be used in conventional diesel engines as an alternative to petroleum diesel. It is primarily made from non-petroleum renewable feedstocks such as soybean oil, used cooking oil, tallow and other plant- and animal-based oils, with a maximum of 0.1% of its composition deriving from conventional petroleum diesel. Renewable diesel is processed in a refinery, similarly to conventional diesel and meets the same standard ASTM D975 specification. Renewable diesel is 100% compatible with conventional Diesel No. 2 and is often referred to as “Biomass-based” diesel. The orange, regulatory decal indicates the percentage of renewable diesel that the fuel contains.
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel made primarily from non-petroleum renewable feedstocks such as soybean oil, used cooking oil, tallow and other plant- and animal-based oils. These feedstocks are processed to produce the raw, degummed oil which is then reacted with methanol in a processing plant to produce biodiesel. This resulting biodiesel is suitable for blending with renewable and conventional petroleum diesel to produce blends typically ranging from 5% (B5) to 20% (B20).
Chevron Renewable Diesel Blend has physical properties that benefit the combustion process in diesel engines, resulting in lower engine-out emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and particulates than conventional petroleum diesel.
Chevron Renewable Energy Group spent over six years developing a next-generation, high quality biodiesel that is produced using advanced refining processes and testing procedures for blending with renewable diesel to create Chevron Renewable Diesel Blend. Chevron Renewable Diesel Blend is sourced primarily from renewable feedstocks and has a lower carbon intensity on a life cycle basis. This means a lower sum of greenhouse gases emitted throughout the full fuel life cycle calculated under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard methodology. Because Chevron Renewable Diesel Blend is primarily derived from renewable feedstocks, it has a lower lifecycle Carbon Intensity (CI) than conventional diesel.
Chevron Renewable Diesel Blend also has a greater cetane number than conventional petroleum diesel which can also improve cold start performance in certain engines, and high lubricity which can minimize friction between and damage to surfaces in relative motion under load.
Yes. Chevron Renewable Diesel Blend can be used interchangeably with conventional diesel in most modern vehicles.1 The product meets or exceeds the ASTM D7467 specification for diesel fuels with biodiesel blended up to a 20% level, commonly referred to as B20. Almost all major engine manufacturers have approved the use of B20. Some exceptions may include older model year equipment.
If temperatures are cold enough, blended renewable diesel fuel, as with other diesel fuels, may begin to freeze and form solid material that can clog vehicle fuel filters, potentially interfering with vehicle operability. During these times, Chevron and its suppliers may lower the biodiesel or renewable diesel content and increase the petroleum diesel content in the product to help avoid this possibility and ensure good cold temperature performance. Diesel blends for use in locations with daytime high temperatures below freezing are recommended to contain petroleum diesel as part of the blend.
1Please check your owner’s manual before using. Manufacturer’s recommendations vary and may include reduced fuel system and lubrication system maintenance intervals, cautions against long term storage, and cautions when operating below freezing temperatures.
The product will be labeled as “Renewable Biodiesel B20” and will also be identified as Chevron Renewable Diesel Blend. There will be a blue label on the dispenser with the percentage range of the biodiesel in the blend. There will also be an orange label with the percentage of renewable diesel that is identified as “Biomass-Based Diesel”. *Both these labels and the language on them are required by the Federal Trade Commission.
* Chevron Renewable Diesel Blend is at least 80% renewable diesel (orange label) and up to 20% biodiesel (blue label). Despite how the federally required language on the bottom of the label may read, this fuel does NOT contain 80% biodiesel. In some geographies, the blend ratios of Chevron Renewable Diesel may be altered to include petroleum diesel to manage cold flow properties. The orange label will be changed to reflect the change in blend ratio.
Chevron Renewable Diesel Blend is produced from a variety of renewable feedstocks, which can affect the color of the fuel. It is normal for fuel color to vary. This product meets or exceeds industry standards and conforms with ASTM D7467.
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