Hop in! We’re taking a trip down memory lane with the Chevron cars.
Start with a Great
In 1995, Chevron made an important breakthrough in fuel technology with the invention of Techron, a new gasoline additive that was unbeatable at cleaning and protecting engines. This was big news and Chevron needed a big way to tell the world about it. A simple idea arose: Who would be the best person to tell the world about Chevron with Techron? It turns out, not a person at all, but a car. A talking car. And eventually, lots of talking cars. Because, while people don’t think about gasoline all that much, cars do.
Choose a car to find out more.

A Car is Born.
1995 - 2009
The Chevron cars were initially brought to life through stop-motion animation commercials using models built from clay. Shooting one frame of film at a time, each thirty-second commercial took about thirty days to film. Over the years, more than fifty commercials featuring animated cars using the stop-motion technique were produced.
Because the popularity of the Chevron cars grew so swiftly, the animated cars used in our commercials became replicated as Chevron toy cars.
Over a 15-year period, 60+ toy car models were created and sold at Chevron - and collected by both adults and kids alike.

The Cars Drive into
the Future.
2010 - 2017
Like most things, the Chevron cars have evolved with new technologies. While maintaining the handcrafted look of the clay-model animations, the later commercials were created using computer technology. Instead of physical models, virtual three-dimensional models were created using proprietary computer software. Then the cars were brought to life by animators one frame at a time much like the stop-motion animations.

Exciting news from
the Chevron cars
With the latest and greatest technology in the studio and on the road, the Chevron cars announced the big news about Chevron with Techron and its proven mileage claim - and continued their journey of promoting the benefits of our quality fuel.

A new journey
The Chevron cars have a fresh new design. They boast realistic details and a smooth look while keeping the charisma and charm that people have always adored. The Chevron cars aren't only built for today's trips; they’re geared up to explore a world full of possibilities thanks to Chevron with Techron!